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It can start as a dull pain and morph into a medical condition that requires intensive medical intervention. On the other hand, carpel tunnel syndrome can come out of nowhere to cause excruciating pain that at times can require immediate surgery.

What happens is the median nerve passing into the hand becomes painfully compressed. The median nerve generates the touch sensation for the thumb, long finger, index finger, and a section of the ring finger. Swelling that produces the compression of the median nerve of the hand can lead to a number of symptoms.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

One of the common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome is one or both of your hands “fall asleep.” Although the “fall asleep” condition is a temporary phase that typically affects the arms and legs, when it becomes one or both of your hands, then the numbness is probably the result of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Here are the other symptoms of the medical condition:

  • Tingling of the hand
  • Intense pain in the thumb and the largest three fingers
  • Burning sensation that moves up one or both arms
  • Nighttime wrist pain that disrupts sleep
  • Hand muscle weakness

How is Carpal Tunnel Treated?

You can treat mild carpal tunnel syndrome on your own by stopping the activity that causes the symptoms. A splint stabilizing the hand can reduce the nerve pressure causing the compression along the wrist. In many cases, your physician should examine the extent of the condition to determine the best course of medical action.

Doctors implement two strategies for treating mild to severe carpal tunnel syndrome. Medication is prescribed to mitigate the painful symptoms, such as swelling and inflammation. Your physician might recommend surgery that requires cutting the ligament touching the affected median nerve. However, surgery comes with risks, including scarring, infection, and/or nerve damage.

If you contracted carpal tunnel syndrome at work, you might be eligible to recover monetary damages to cover lost wages and medical bills.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Injuries Caused by Work

Carpal tunnel syndrome impacts one out of every 20 American workers. According to the United States Department of Labor, the medical condition is the number one reason why American employees miss work. Carpal tunnel is most often connected to repetitive on the job functions, such as typing, screwing nails, packaging materials, and lifting heavy objects into a truck.

Here are the industries with the highest incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome:

  • Administration
  • Apparel manufacturing
  • Food processing
  • Textile
  • Fabric finishing
  • Animal slaughtering

If you are employed in any of the listed industries, it is essential to take frequent breaks to avoid suffering from a repetitive motion injury. Otherwise, you might place enough pressure on the median nerve to set the pain train rolling. Consult with a doctor first, before seeking legal help from an Illinois licensed workers’ compensation attorney.

Compensation for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Although you cannot sue your employer for contracting carpal tunnel syndrome, you might have a valid claim for receiving compensation from the Illinois workers’ compensation program. The process for seeking financial relief from the Illinois workers’ compensation program differs greatly than the process for seeking monetary damages from a civil court.

Companies are responsible for funding workers’ compensation insurance. You do not have to prove your company acted negligently, just that your carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms are directly related to your job functions. It might seem like a straightforward legal process, but many companies like to derail claims by implementing different tactics.

Speak with an Illinois licensed personal injury lawyer to level the legal playing field between you and your employer when it comes to proving carpal tunnel symptoms on the job,

What Determines the Value of a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Claim?

How much Illinois workers’ compensation pays out for a claim depends on several cost factors.

  • Number of doctor visits
  • Prescriptions
  • Rehabilitation
  • Lost wages
  • Surgery
  • Supportive medical devices

Sometimes, carpel tunnel cases can be severe enough to warrant payment for a permanent disability claim. Such a claim also requires the legal counsel of an accomplished personal injury lawyer.

Two Illinois carpal tunnel syndrome lawsuits since 2010 have ended in settlements for the plaintiffs that exceeded $1 million. Both plaintiffs worked closely with highly rated personal injury attorneys to present their claims.

Take the same road taken by the winning plaintiffs by scheduling a free initial consultation today with our team of personal injury attorneys. You have nothing to lose; you’ll pay nothing out of pocket for our services. If we don’t get you compensation, we don’t get paid.

Frederick & Hagle serves people throughout Central Illinois, including Champaign-Urbana, Kankakee, Danville, Decatur, and Mattoon, Champaign County, Vermillion County, Macon County, Kankakee County, and Coles County.