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Injured Illinois railroad welder awarded $1.05 million

On behalf of Jeffrey Frederick of Frederick & Hagle posted in Workers’ Compensation on Friday, February 8, 2013.

There are strict regulations surrounding workplace safety in Illinois, as dictated by the Occupational and Safety Health Administration. When an employer fails to make sure that all safety regulations are being closely followed, employees are susceptible to serious, debilitating and disruptive injuries. In some instances, this can mean the end of a career for injured employees and liability for the employer.

A 48-year-old Illinois railroad welder suffered serious injury after his employer failed to properly train him in lifting heavy machinery, or provide the necessary and safe equipment and tools to do so. When he was initially injured, his employer provided him no assistance. The man wanted a lifelong career working on railroads, just like his grandfather, but the injuries he sustained meant that he was unable to do so.

The injured worker had to have extensive surgery involving the fusing of vertebrae in order to address his herniated lumbar discs and nerve root impingement. After his surgery and inability to return to his job, the man applied for several jobs but he continually faced rejection, possibly in relation to the condition his workplace injuries left him in.

Accordingly, the employee sought remuneration for medical bills, lost earnings, loss of a normal life and future pain and suffering. His attorney says, “Although his disability now signals the end of the line for his career, this verdict sends a clear message that railroads should not put profits before safety.”

The verdict that the man’s attorney is speaking of it the $1.05 million a jury awarded this injured worker. With the assistance of an experienced attorney, other injured workers in Illinois can at times similarly seek remuneration.

Source: Madison-St. Clair Record, “$1.05 million awarded to railroad wlder in St. Clair County,” Christina Stueve Hodges, Feb. 7, 2013

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