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Overexertion common cause of workplace accident

On behalf of Jeffrey Frederick of Frederick & Hagle posted in Workplace Accidents on Monday, January 26, 2015.

While a serious or severe injury at work can occur from a virtually endless myriad of situations, there are several that stand out as some of the most common. A recent study examined workers’ compensation claims from all across the country and compiled the data into a list of the top 10 most common workplace injuries. The most common cause of a workplace accident paid out over $15 billion in claims.

The data used was from 2012 and only includes accidents that resulted in serious injuries that were not fatal. Falls made up over 15 percent of all workers’ compensation claims, putting it at number two on the list. However, Illinois workers could be at an even higher risk for falls than employees in other areas in the country. Trip and fall claims in particular accounted for 32 percent of claims in Illinois between 2013 and 2014, putting the state in the top five for this type of claim.

However, researchers discovered that the most common cause of a workplace accident was overexertion. Overexertion actually made it on the list twice. At its spot on number one, it was related to heavy pushing or lifting, while at number five, overexertion was caused by body movements like twisting or crawling.

Even if an Illinois worker’s accident didn’t reach the top 10 list, if the workplace accident occurred while one was carrying out normal work functions or requirements, compensation is possible. Injuries that are serious enough to put an individual out of work have more than just physical implications and can prove to be financially devastating to some families. Workers’ compensation benefits can ensure that an injured worker stays financially afloat while he or she recovers before being able to return to work.

Source: claimsjournal.com, “Top 10 Causes of Workplace Injuries: Liberty Mutual“, Denise Johnson, Jan. 14, 2015

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