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Pedestrian accidents: Teen killed in Illinois incident

On behalf of Jeffrey Frederick of Frederick & Hagle posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Wednesday, August 19, 2015.

When there is limited visibility in an area due to weather conditions or other factors, drivers may have a more difficult time realizing when there are obstructions in the roadway. Unfortunately, these limitations may also result in a driver failing to see individuals walking along the roadway, and as a result, pedestrian accidents could take place. If an individual is killed in such an accident, the family of the victim may wish to take legal action.

It was recently reported that an accident involving a pedestrian and a vehicle took place in Illinois. Reports stated that the driver hit an object while traveling and then realized that the object was actually a person. The driver contacted the authorities who later arrived at the scene. At this time, it is believed that limited visibility due to fog may have played a role in the incident.

Sadly, the accident resulted in the pedestrian suffering fatal injuries. It was noted that the victim’s car had been found about half a mile away from the accident site and that the car was disabled. The victim was reported as being an 18-year-old male. At the time of the report, authorities were continuing to investigate the incident. It is unclear whether any charges may result.

The family of the teen killed in this Illinois accident are likely distraught over their sudden loss. If they feel it could be right for their situation, they may wish to consider filing a wrongful death claim in order to seek compensation for damages resulting from the incident. Fatal pedestrian accidents can lead to many hardships for surviving families, and civil claims may be able to help them seek recompense.

Source: wrex.com, “State police identify victim in deadly crash between truck and pedestrian in Boone County“, Joseph Edwards, Aug. 10, 2015