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Truck causes multiple pileups involving 5 other vehicles

On behalf of Jeffrey Frederick of Frederick & Hagle posted in Truck Accidents on Friday, April 12, 2013.

In a very bizarre out-of-state trucking accident, a truck driver appears to have allowed a transient 19-year-old to ride with the truck driver across a significant expanse of the country. When the pair was stopped and the driver exited the truck to tend to some paper work, things took a very peculiar turn.

The 19-year-old appears to have been on a hallucinogen, which led him to believe that there were zombies on the truck. The teen thought he needed to shake the figments of his imagination loose from the 18-wheeler. He went tearing down the freeway, recklessly in a manner that really is fitting of a horror movie. He caused a chain-collision involving at least five separate cars. Several victims did need to be transported to a hospital for tending to their injuries. Thankfully, it does not appear that there were any fatalities from this trucking accident.

When a victim in Illinois is injured in a motor vehicle accident because of another party’s negligence, that victim does have the right to pursue compensation for the medical bills, suffering and related expenses that ensue. However, there are different avenues for recovery available in truck accidents that are not available in many other motor vehicle accidents.

In Illinois truck accidents, the truck driver can be held liable, but in some instances the trucking company can also be held liable. It is a combination of the responsibility of both parties to ensure that federal trucking regulations for safety are adhered to. In a similar truck accident in Illinois — even if no real or imagined zombies are involved — it is best to contact an experienced legal attorney to understand how best to pursue financial compensation.

Source: CNN, “Cause of multiple collisions in California? Zombies, driver tells police,” Dorrine Mendoza, April 11, 2013

  • Our firm has experience helping motor vehicle accident victims pursue financial compensation. For more information related to incidents like that detailed above, please refer to our page on trucking company negligence.

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