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Car accident leaves Illinois man with major injuries

On behalf of of Frederick & Hagle posted in Car Accidents on Friday, October 25, 2013.

Suffering an injury of any type can prove to be a significant setback for many people. If the injury is sustained due to the fault of someone else and is considered serious, the situation can be even more distressing. Serious injuries from a car accident are unfortunately rather common, but each person is affected differently and may not have the means to pay for accumulated medical bills that come along with treatment.

An Illinois man may be facing such circumstances after being seriously injured in a car accident. According to reports, the accident occurred when a truck pulling a trailer containing construction materials failed to stop at a stop sign and pulled into on-coming traffic. As a result, the driver of an on-coming vehicle collided with the trailer being pulled.

The driver of the vehicle was taken from the scene of the accident by helicopter after he sustained major injuries. The driver of the truck involved in the crash was not injured. He was, however, cited for failing to stop at a stop sign and not reducing speed to avoid an accident. It was not reported whether any other circumstances played a role in the collision.

Because the car accident resulted in serious injuries, the injured party could face steep expenses for medical treatment. Affording medical treatment is not easy for many people, and the man may wish to look into information on Illinois laws dealing with personal injury claims to determine whether he could potentially be entitled to compensation for his injures and other damages. If he has a successful case against the driver deemed at fault, he could receive monetary reparations that could aid in the paying of his recovery and treatment.

Source: wsiltv.com, 1 Injured in Franklin County Crash, No author, Oct. 23, 2013

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