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Uninsured Illinois man causes car accident in Danville

On behalf of of Frederick & Hagle posted in Car Accidents on Thursday, November 15, 2012.

Last week, an accident in Danville, Illinois, occurred when a 26-year-old male driver, hit a 45-year-old female driver. According to a local report, the man failed to signal in the prescribed manner, thereby causing the collision. There do not appear to have been any serious injuries immediately apparent in this collision, as no mention was made of either party necessitating transportation to a hospital. Consequently, the man that caused the accident was cited for the infraction.

When victims do suffer serious injury after an accident due to another individual’s negligence, the injury victim can stand to recoup financially, in some instances. Depending on the circumstances and the nature of the injuries sustained, injury victims can be compensated for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering.

However, according to the report, this 26-year-old was also cited for operating an uninsured vehicle. Although drivers in Illinois are required to carry limited liability insurance, many individuals, like this man, do not have coverage and are driving illegally. Unfortunately, these people are still susceptible to cause an accident, as displayed in these events. This raises some interesting questions regarding injury victims of uninsured or underinsured motorists.

Say the woman that was hit in this accident realized a few days later that she suffered the impact more than was initially apparent. In some instances, injuries will take a few days to manifest themselves after an accident. What options would this victim or a similar victim have?

Well, Illinois drivers are also required to have uninsured motorist insurance bodily coverage. This means that in the event that a victim is injured by an uninsured driver in a car accident in Illinois, the victim can stand to financially recoup through their own insurance carrier. However, at times this can be difficult, but the aid of an experienced legal advocate can greatly aid a victim injured in a car accident financially recoup.

Source: Commercial-News, “Police, fire roundup,” Nov. 14, 2012

  • To learn more about financially recouping after a motor vehicle accident in Illinois, please visit our Champaign car accident page.

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