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Truck accident in Illinois leads to multiple deaths and injuries

On behalf of Jeffrey Frederick of Frederick & Hagle posted in Truck Accidents on Thursday, July 31, 2014.

Obeying the speed limits is a very important aspect of driving. Though a person may be familiar with the speed limits in a certain area, he or she should continue to pay attention to any factors, such as construction, that could cause the speed to be reduced. If a truck driver fails to reduce speed, a truck accident could take place, and a driver could face charges.

Multiple deaths in Illinois can be attributed to a similar situation. Reports indicate that a truck driver was speeding in a construction zone, and when he suddenly changed lanes, he was involved in a serious accident. Because other vehicles in front of him were stopped due to the construction, the driver was unable to stop his truck before colliding with three vehicles.

As a result of the collision, three adult women and an 11-year-old girl were killed. Three additional people were also seriously injured and transported from the scene for treatment. The truck driver has been charged with failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident as well as entering incorrect information in his log book.

Because the truck accident resulted in multiple deaths, more charges could potentially stem from the accident as the investigation is concluded. The families of the victims and individuals who were seriously injured may also possibly wish to seek their own legal action against the truck driver considered responsible for the wreck. Finding out more information on civil claims related to wrongful death and personal injury in Illinois could help affected parties determine whether seeking compensation could be right for them.

Source: CBS Chicago, “Trucker Charged In Connection With I-55 Crashes That Killed 5“, , July 21, 2014

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